What is a DoulaTog?
DoulaTog is when there is a bit of crossover in Dereka's roles. She is hired as a doula, but with the understanding that she will take labor and birth pictures as able. Being your doula comes first during labor, there will be images taken, but her main role will still be supporting the birthing person and baby.
Doulatog Services Includes:
Birth Doula Services
Two(2) Prenatal Visits (in the comfort of your home)
Breastfeeding course live or online and assistance with establishing breastfeeding at birth and postpartum
Email and phone and text support throughout pregnancy
Continuous presence during active labor, birth and postpartum
A postpartum visit in home
Unlimited support via email and phone, from time of booking
24/7 on call status and phone support two(2) weeks before your due date to two(2) weeks after your due date
Photography Services ​
​Labor images
Birth images
Postpartum images